Sunscreen Does Damage Your Car

While it's something you almost certainly never thought of before (we sure didn't), chemicals found in products like sunscreen lotion and hand sanitiser can react with the materials used in your car's interior and exterior, causing them to wear prematurely......

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How to save money with car maintenance

Many of us go through tough times financially, times when it’s easy to put off spending on matters we see as a low priority. Is car servicing a priority? Be careful about applying any delay to car maintenance. That notice...

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Keep Your Car Gleaming

When washing your car, you want the effort to be worth it, once finished you want to step back and admire a once dull vehicle transformed into a gleaming specimen. Have you ever noticed annoying water spots left on the...

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Are You Ready For The Season Change

The change in season from summer to autumn changes road surfaces and your vehicle needs to be prepared for that. Many components of your vehicle have to work harder. If you’ve had your car serviced recently by us, now’s the...

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How to Clear a Foggy Windscreen

Over the cold and damp winter months, it’s only a matter of time until you come across the dreaded foggy windscreen. Nothing is more frustrating than jumping in your car, only to find a strong mist has taken away your...

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The Advantages Of New Tyre’s Over Used

Used tyres can be a bargain, but they are only as valuable as the safety that they provide on the road. New tyres can provide peace of mind, especially when coming into winter conditions. Look out for the following issues...

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Lost Keys

We all know of someone who has lost their keys, in many cases if it is a car key its going to be an expensive process. Over the past 10 years KAAR has been the saviour for many, when your...

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Car Maintenance 101

Brake system, tune-ups, performance mufflers, and transmission repairs. Cars are valuable enough, both representing luxury and necessity. What’s more is after having spent a lot of your hard-earned money, maintaining its good condition is difficult without having it constantly serviced....

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Smart And Easy Ways To Cover It Up!

Perhaps one of the reasons you bought your precious car is because of its styling and performance. You’re in love with its sleek and vibrant finish that still puts a lump in your throat. However since your car’s paint is...

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